Each score represents a student and each data set represents a school, district, or state made up of dedicated teachers and diverse learners. Our goal is to provide educators and families with the information they need to make decisions about next steps in a student's learning journey. We provide tools for your state's analysts, test providers, and just about anyone interested in "looking under the hood" to better understand how the test works to deliver valuable information about student learning.

Explore Our Technical Research
- Validity Evidence: Dig into the details! Each year's technical report describes validity, precision, fairness, score scales, norms and more.
- Scoring & Achievement Levels: Learn more about scores, as well as how achievement levels were determined and how they are used by educators and families.
- Embedded Field Test Information: Review how validation is implicit throughout the assessment process, which includes developing, field testing, and analyzing items; test scaling and linking; scoring; and reporting.
Now Available! Smarter Balanced Summative and Interim Technical Reports